Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday Write Malcolm Gladwell Discussion

                     Malcolm Gladwell is a very intelligent speaker who takes the time to see what others do not. He is a journalist, screenwriter, author, and writer, and an great thinker. I agree with his idea of examining things closer than they are originally perceived, because I think there are many things that have deeper meanings. I also believe that in some circumstances he looks too close where there is really nothing more to be found. He does this in his talk about David and Goliath. The story of David and Goliath is a widely known to be a tale of a boy with a sling beating a giant. It tells the story of an underdog winning despite the odds. Malcolm says in his talk that Goliath actually had a disease that made him have eyesight problems, and that David was truly the more powerful one, due to his sling. He could be completely right about Goliath, but I don't believe that that was the objective of the story. I truly doubt the lesson to be taken away was that Goliath had vision problems, and that the man who recorded and added this story to the Bible genuinely took this into consideration. The purpose of the story is to provide people with hope when the situation looks impossible, and I think Gladwell in a way ruins this idea by looking too closely. On the other hand, I thought his talk on spaghetti sauce was very good. In this talk, he discussed how different varieties of sauce were created, instead of one special one. Something he said that stood out to me was "People do not know what they want." I think this is quite an interesting concept to consider. People said they all wanted a certain type of sauce when in reality, they all wanted something they had never even thought of, which opened an entire new way of making products. I think the general takeaway message from Gladwell's talks is that to truly understand something, a closer look has to be taken. If only people would dig a little deeper than what they see on the broad outsides of things, there is a deeper,
more complex meaning to everything that can open many new possibilities.
                  I think a phenomenon in my everyday life is how each sequence of events lead up to certain consequences. Each action performed by a person leads to another, and another, and one small change can result in a dramatically different outcome. People usually tend to not consider this when going about their everyday lives, and unless the decision is a large one, do not take into consideration the effect this small choice might make. The first decision we make creates a chain reaction. If each decision is not made with precision and thought, a person can never
know where they will end up. It's something that people should recognize more.
David and Goliath Review
Ted Talks Spaghetti Sauce
Long Lasting Effects of Decisions- Youtube