Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lit Circle Reflection

From the first discussion, what I needed to work on was being prepared, because I didn't have my materials ready. This made it so that my part of the discussion was not as in depth as it should have been, which is something I need to work on. I did not improve this very well for the second discussion, because once again my materials were not ready on time, but to make up for it I tried to excel in discussing my other group member's projects. I don't think I was successful in completing my first goal, but I do think I completed the other tasks sufficiently. My group as a whole was working very well. Our goal after the first discussion was to have everyone talk equally. We achieved this during the second discussion by having everyone talk in a circle, so that we could all state our opinions after each job. I also think that we could make improvements on our overall energy, but other than that I believe that we worked very well.

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