Monday, May 5, 2014

Essential Question Blog Post

Question: Does Pop Culture (through technology) have an effect on society and personal identity?

Popular Culture has an effect on society and personal identity.

Popular Culture through movies has had an effect on society by brainwashing individuals to like certain things and act certain ways.

Popular culture has brainwashed society by portraying persuasive messages through movies and technology. These images contain misleading ideas that push a person to act a certain way in which they now believe is
Pop Culture Examples
what everyone else is doing. An example of this is in a large amount of the movies that are considered popular contain messages about people being violent, drinking alcohol, or practicing inappropriate behaviors. An example of this is in the movie Project X. The entire movie is a combination of messages that  show young kids that it is alright to drink alcohol, destroy things, have sex, and many other things. Putting all these things in a good light, this pushes them to believe that all this is okay, and if they do not believe it, it still has somehow altered their view towards it. This mixed with many other movies glorifies these unhealthy actions to make an entire society believe that it is the right thing.
Project X Trailer

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